Canadian Prison System

Prisons are always portrayed in one of two ways: grey, grim concrete buildings in which every prisoner is mistreated, eating unidentifiable mush three meals a day; or almost amusement parks for the perpetrator, with flat screen television, nine hole golf courses, and gaming systems accessible to everyone.

They’re both wrong.

It’s nothing like a 5 star hotel, or even a 2 star hotel.  Sure, the buildings are made of cinder blocks and concrete. Sure, there are rows and rows of barbed wire with guard towers. But the intention of prison is to work with the offenders to become law abiding citizens, who realize their mistakes and learn from them.

But it’s also not hell.

Prisoners are provided with correctional programs, educational programs, social programs, and vocational programs in order to work towards a lower likelihood of re-offence.

Correctional programs teach strategies and skills to avoid criminal environments and behavior.

Educational programs allow prisoners to attain their GED, develop better literacy skills, and even develop french as a second language.  These education programs work. They mean that prisoners can find a job once they are reintegrated in to the community.

Social programs involve inmates and staff working together in social and cultural groups, encouraging healthy and positive lifestyles as well as productive use of time.

Vocational programs allow offenders to find work within the prison, learning about employability and money management skills. Once a prisoner has found employment within the prison, they then get to decide how their money is spent: whether that’s on a small television set for their cell, or Christmas cards for their loved ones.

Prison isn’t supposed to be this fun, easy, happy go-lucky experience.

But it’s also not supposed to be the end of you.

Prisons exist for the sole purpose of a safe punishment for criminals as well as their rehabilitation.


2 thoughts on “Canadian Prison System

  1. Emma, great posts….both of them build on our understanding and you show what you have learned and understand in numerous ways. Continue to dive deeper and search for connections between topics.


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